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Quote of the day

“One of my favorite prayers is God, how can I love on you today? As I sit in silence of those words, sometimes I'll feel compelled to sing or read a passage of Scripture, or I'll be reminded of someone with a need I can meet; but on some of the most meaningful days, God simply says, just be with me. I sit in the silence and enjoy stillness with God. No agenda. No words. No words. No challenge. No correction or instruction. Just being together. In those moments, I'm reminded that the heart of faith is simply being with God. I sense God's love. Some of my best friendships reach a level at which we can sit together without having to say anything and still enjoy each other's presence. The same is true for God, and I love to experience that depth of love in my relationship with Christ." -Hungry for God”

Margaret Feinberg
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Quote of the week

“Why are you sad?" Baby asked."Because some day you'll fly higher than high, and the blue will fill your eyes, and maybe you'll forget to come down," said Wishmoley.Baby snuggled next to him. "I'll never forget," she said.”

Julia Hubery Mary McQuillam
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Quote of the month

“THE RIVER OF FOREVER is not the serene, clear-blue comfort that you'd hope to greet your soul after you've exhaled your last breath in the Overworld.”

James Patterson
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Latest quotes

“And as we should all know by now, anytime you predict failure you have an excellent chance of being right.”

Jeff Lindsay
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“It's a horrible thing to have your body fail you. You never think about it when you're young.”

Patrick Rothfuss
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“I love you," I said, our lips brushing. "I love you so very much.”

Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“You see, as kids, my friends and I assumed we'd grow up to become like our heroes--that someday, like them, we'd do great things, make a difference in teh nonsensical world that belonged to adults. Now, watching Space PAtrol crew resist Agent X, the kid who dreamed of living heroically snaps out of a long, deep sleep. It's like awakening in the middle of the night--or in midlife-- remembering something you forgot to do. Something very important.”

Jean-Noel Bassior
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“I would have chatted with Tempi, but trying to have a conversation with him was like playing catch with a well.”

Patrick Rothfuss
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“A certain bone-deep understanding occurred and my hand tightened around the smaller one I held. It weren't stars we were staring at. The sky was falling.”

Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“The painters could be identified by dirty fingernails; the writers by conversation in labored monosyllables and aggressive vulgarities which disguised their minds.”

William Gaddis
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“As close as you’re riding me, man, I feel like I need to take you out to dinner or something. At least, I should get your name.” He punched in a floor number, smirking.“People call me Archer.”

Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“Cuando alguien está loco, puede hacer lo que de verdad le viene en gana. (Idril)”

Valeria González Lozano
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“The telephone to Shadow's apartment was silent and dead. He thought about getting it connected, but could think of no one he wanted to call. Late one night he picked it up and listened, and was convinced he could hear a wind blowing and a distant conversation between a group of people talking in voiced too low to properly make out. He said, "hello?" and "who's there?" but there was no reply, only a sudden silence and then the faraway sound of laughter, so faint he was not certain he was not imagining it.”

Neil Gaiman
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